What was it
that we buried
beneath the presumptions
and the assumptions?
What was it
that we shoved and forgot
under the clean and the tidy beds?
And what was it
that lurked
in the heart of those protracted silences,
unable to get out,
unable to push through?
I wish we had talked.
I wish we had been friends.
Where were you?
You weren't here.
Where were you?
Over there ...
far away
over there ...
Time passed
for meaningful conversations.
We pasted on smiles,
exchanged meaningless words,
our wounds stayed fresh.
I wish we had talked.
I wish we had been friends.
You didn't know
the way
and neither did I.
we ended up lost
to each other.
We were connected
by silence.
And now
you -
silent forever
and me -
silent no more.
Where does that leave us?
I wish we had talked.
I wish we had been friends.